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- FAQs | Bonham Tree Aid
FAQs 1. If I want to apply for aid, what information do I need to submit? Please prepare the following supporting documents and email the electronic files to this email address: Personal identification document (ID card or passport copy only) Proof of the prisoner's identity* Proof of relationship* Proof of address within the last three months Telegram username of an important contact person Certification of Trial (issued by the Correctional Services Department) Relevant news report in PDF format. * If the application is not submitted by the person in custody 2. How does BTA ensure that my personal information will not be leaked? To ensure the safety of applicants, all application data will not be stored in Hong Kong. To protect privacy and personal safety, we also recommend using ProtonMail and VPN. The applicant may also provide other relevant proof of eligibility for financial assistance to the fund for reference. You can find more guidelines on protecting privacy and security on this page . 3. Will the scope of support of BTA be expanded to cover legal or medical expenses in the future? We are more than happy to provide comprehensive support to all persons in custody, but currently the fund only has a monthly donation amount of approximately HKD 100,000, which limits the scope of distribution. Currently, our financial support for political prisoners is based on their actual term of imprisonment, and is not distributed indefinitely. The amount of support ranges from HKD 3,000 to 9,000 per month or equivalent currency, depending on the amount of donations received by the fund. 4. How can we ensure that the donation process is secure in Hong Kong under the national security law? The safest monthly donation method for now is through the Stripe platform. Stripe only shows that you donated to a charity*, and hides the name of the fund, so BTA's name will not appear on your bank records. Also, donors can easily donate with a credit card (Visa/Master/AE) using Stripe. *The actual category name may vary depending on the bank, but in any case, our name will not be displayed directly. Learn more 5. How can I ensure that my donation is being used appropriately? We implement a "third-party oversight system" where third-party human rights activists supervise the fund's finances. This not only ensures that the funds are used for legitimate purposes, but also eliminates the problem of high administrative expenses that is common in general funds, aiming to achieve "transparency" and "integrity". Currently, we submit detailed financial reports to the our Voluntary Finance Committee every month for approval. In addition, we also publish a detailed work report every three months to ensure that the fund is subject to public scrutiny. BTA is committed to inviting different human rights organisations to serve as voluntary finance committee members to monitor the fund's financial situation. And in case of unreasonable financial conditions, the voluntary finance committee will publicly disclose our complete financial report, allowing the public to judge whether to continue trusting the fund. View more details 6. Previously, some humanitarian aid funds had their accounts frozen. Do you have any corresponding preventive measures in place? The Hong Kong government has frozen bank accounts of some organizations and individuals involved in humanitarian work under the pretext of suspected money laundering to achieve political goals. Therefore, we have a series of corresponding measures in place. BTA is a UK registered fund that uses WiseUK for banking, and using overseas financial institutions can avoid funds being unreasonably and indefinitely frozen due to political suppression. In addition, we also recommend donors to use monthly donations instead of one-time large donations, mainly to avoid hoarding resources and reduce risks. On the other hand, we also hope to provide stable financial support for prisoners. 7. What are the current difficulties of BTA? We are currently facing two pressing challenges: 1)Lack of visibility At present, our social media following is relatively low, and due to algorithmic limitations, our posts are seen by fewer targeted users. As a result, Bonham Tree Aid is unable to achieve the same level of support as similar funds. 2)Lack of manpower Due to limited membership, we require assistance in various areas, including but not limited to: daily administrative support, public relations and communications, accounting, and those who are willing to work with us in advancing human rights in Hong Kong and reviving the local community. 8. What are your long-term goals for the organisation's future development? The primary goal of the fund is to support political prisoners and newly-released individuals, and in the future, we will also strive to establish stronger support programs for various public welfare activities, including but not limited to education, entrepreneurship, and scientific research. Our plans include: 1. Include and update our prisoners' support guidelines 2. Scholarship programme 3. Promotion of overseas Hong Kong cultural educatio n Ultimately, we hope to cultivate talent through education, and unite talent for the development of science and entrepreneurship, so that eventually we can give back to the Education and Humanitarian Support fields.
- Board & committee | Bonham Tree Aid
About us Board & committee The board Eric Ho Biology professor I believe that educated people have the responsibility to help make the world a better and more democratic place, which is why I didn't hesitate to join BTA. Helping those in need is my duty. Kelly Pun Media professional I hope to help families in need and unite democracy activists to build a bright future for Hong Kong through my involvement with BTA. Thomas Fung Accountant I have been studying and working in the UK for nine years and currently work as an accountant. In my spare time, I have been assisting a UK-based non-profit organisation to help Hong Kong people resettle in the UK. The financial oversight committee Australia Hong Kong Link An Australia-based human rights group AHKL was established during the 2014 Umbrella Revolution and is committed to monitoring and the human rights situation in Hong Kong. We have been engaging with major political parties, raising human rights issues in Hong Kong, and promoting the Australian "Safe Haven Project" to assist those in need from Hong Kong. Simon Cheng Founder of Hongkongers in Britain I pledge to independently carry out my duties as a financial regulator to gain and maintain public confidence in supporting the program for incarcerated individuals, ensuring maximum humanitarian assistance for political victims and their families. Clara Cheung Art curator & former HK District Councillor I will do my best to supervise the financial operation of the fund, ensuring that donors' contributions can truly help political victims and their families. Trust can be established only when we truly rebuild. Nathan Law Former HK Legislative Councillor Named one of TIME magazine's 100 most influential people and the youngest-ever member of Hong Kong's Legislative Council in 2016, he went to the UK in 2020 following the implementation of the National Security Law and continues to advocate for Hong Kong's democratic development on the international stage. We need your support We are currently supporting over 200 families; your donation can provide stable financial support for incarcerated individuals. Donate
- 細葉榕月曆 | Bonham Tree Aid
2024年月曆 這本月曆是給每一個仍在努力的香港人。我們希望透過講述不同地方、不同崗位、不同背景的香港人故事,令大家知道在世界每個角落都有人在默默努力。 立刻選購 我們以「重新出發,好好生活」為主題創作了十二個故事,串連着這本月曆,並邀請到十二位藝術家為每個月的故事創作插畫。我們希望這本月曆可以為開展了第二人生的香港人帶來一點鼓勵和安慰。今次月曆的收益會全數用於細葉榕的營運開支和在囚支援。 月曆設有英國🇬🇧、美國🇺🇸 和加拿大🇨🇦 三個版本,每個版本都有當地假期及香港節日。 配合每月主題的插畫 參與今次計劃的藝術家除咗一些大家熟悉的面孔,都有些新晉藝術家,包括:阿塗、Emily Lee、我要見律師、Frank Yau、黃照達、Arkisan、Amity Chan、Fiona Yellow、vawongsir、WL.A&D、開鎖佬和Ricker Choi。 立即選購月曆 請點選你所在的國家前往所屬分銷網店 英國 美國 加拿大 Buy calendar We need your support We are currently supporting over 200 families; your donation can provide stable financial support for incarcerated individuals. Donate
- 三月 | Bonham Tree Aid
唔好意思,請等一等 三月再scan就可以睇到呢個月嘅故事背景,同埋更詳細嘅故事內容。感謝你耐心等待! 返回主頁
- 二月 | Bonham Tree Aid
細葉榕2024月曆 二月故事 插畫創作人 : Emily Wai Ling, Lee 人物故事 「地圖又話巴士站喺呢度嘅?⋯⋯啊!巴士啊!⋯⋯又要等半個鐘?! Airbnb仲有一個禮拜到期,十幾間屋都無業主Accept Offer,真係要瞓街?! 中層管理搵前線工,我唔介意由低做起,僱主竟然介意我Over Qualified?! 洗衫煮飯湊仔好崩潰,好掛住有Me Time嘅日子! 但係⋯⋯見到兩隻貓喺花園曬太陽,仔女笑住返學、唔想放假, 唯有咬實牙關,見步行步走落去。」 ——Kelly,42歲,一個月前與丈夫子女移民英國 主角背景 結咗婚有仔女嘅Kelly一個月前先啱啱由香港嚟到英國。一到埗就要面對英國嘅冬天,又要安頓一家大細。雖然好辛苦,但佢都只可以咬緊牙關頂埋佢...... 編者的話 新一年理應充滿希望咁開始,但月曆中一月嘅故事比較沉重。故事嘅主角其實係準備開始一個新生活,而伴除改變而嚟嘅有時會係興奮,有時會係擔心,亦可能會係迷惘。我哋咁樣編排個故事係因為我哋想帶出一開始會有「開啟新生活時嘅不安」,但呢種情緒只係暫時嘅。暴雨過後定會天晴。 如果想知道其他月份嘅故事背景或者補充資料,記得每個月都scan吓嗰一頁嘅QR code啦! Emily Wai Ling, Lee Hong Kong born and raised, now based in Manchester, Emily portrays her love for art and culture through her expressive watercolor paintings. Website Instagram @ We need your support We are currently supporting over 200 families; your donation can provide stable financial support for incarcerated individuals. Donate
- 手足家書 | Bonham Tree Aid
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